Transmitting the right Message in the right Context to the right Person has an extraordinary impact on buyers and significantly increases the probability of purchasing; in fact, displaying messages to the consumer based on something more than simple identity, but using different data and environmental factors, to understand the context in which that person is along the path inside the store, is confirmed to be a fundamental step to increase emotional involvement effectively.

The DOOH (Digital out of home) solutions designed by World Trade Display, such as the MONOLITH series Digital Signage Totems also in double-sided version, WINK series Shop Window Displays, DOCAS series Digital Menu Board Triple Display, meet exactly the marketing strategies described above.

A question arises: why DOOH?

Here are some points that explain why DOOH

DOOH (Digital out of home) is a from of outdoor advertising that can make digital, interactive, dynamic communication through screens of various shapes, types and sizes, to effectively reach the audience with dynamic and flexible out-of-home digital campaigns directly in the heart of cities around the world, thus meeting the following shopping needs:

  • Greater reach to reach your audience with engaging content while they are away from their comfort zone
  • Improved results by increasing your multi-channel offer with a medium related to web and mobile
  • High efficiency in delivering messages exactly where and when it matters most, using audience demographics and data triggers

Digital signage for outdoor environments offers significant benefits for organizations that regularly use it within their advertising strategies. At World Trade Display, when designing our various devices, we understand how important it is to attract interest even when you are outdoors, spreading captivating videos and images with a correct positioning of the digital device in the environment to obtain the maximum benefit in terms of costs/benefits.WTD DOOH solutions are ideal for various sectors, such as restaurants, corporate communications, education, medical facilities and others to gain an advantage in the marketing of their products.

Engagement through advertising messages has been known for a long time, but through the use of digital devices dedicated to the diffusion of dynamic outdoor messaging, such as those designed by World Trade Display, they turn out to be a completely innovative medium; timely updates, rotating messages and stunning images in motion, are all now a standard in WTD out-of-home DOOH digital display solutions.

Stop worrying about printing services and save time and money; instead of planning single-use brochures for a series of advertisements, easily edit and update promotional content remotely on your MONOLITH series digital totem; when the digital device is positioned in a strategic point, the messages spread will attract the public having a stable and definitive impact in the memory of the customers; helping companies in the consultancy, planning and personalized creation of the right outdoor digital signage solutions.

All over the world, WTD‘s “design” solutions constantly boost retail sales!!