WTD Boost Your Resources
One of our main priorities is the recruitment and technical training of talented people and at the same time to offer advanced technical support to our customers.
With its own specific organization internally, World Trade Display ensures accurate technical support service, maintenance & monitoring “Worldwide” and best meets customer’s needs in various sectors.
The request of the R.M.A. number is part of a process for the replacement and/or repair of any defective products both during the warranty period and after.
Request your R.M.A. – Return Merchandise Authorization
To receive authorization to return the goods, please fill in the request form below, providing all the information requested. Any incomplete forms will not be taken into consideration by our technical office. The number of R.M.A. generated must be viewable outside the package to be received and no merchandise returns will be accepted without this clearly visible number.
The product must be delivered exclusively through international couriers (no postal services), at our company carriage free!